14 May 2012

14 Full of Graces

1. The river birch throws dappled shadows, branches dancing in sunshine.
2. Chinese wisteria corkscrews around the railing, a cacophony of purple and green.
3. Strawberries lush green, fruits budding white.
4. The catbird sings from the Asian pear tree, eyeing the robin's nest.
5. Clusters of currants hang with promise of red.
6. Lilacs, a froth of pink and lavender.
7. The hummingbird whizzes past my head, dive-bombing for nectar.
8. Rhubarb grows hale and hearty.
9. The air smells of cut grass, that fresh chlorophyll smell.
10. Far-off, a chain saw buzzes.
11. Maple seeds whirligig, a flurry of pink and green.
12. Tomato plants in their pots droop from lack of rain.
13. White butterflies flutter around the iris, nature's kites.
14. The hammock swings me in the breeze, clouds pass on their way to the next garden.


14 graces for the 14 days of missed posts. Observations from yesterday, a day spent in the garden. Whew! All caught up.



  1. These make for a lovely, peaceful feeling. I wish we had hummingbirds here. I saw my first ever one last summer and it was magical. Beautiful little things.

    1. You are way ahead of us here. My rhubarb is just starting to get big enough to consider picking some.

  2. Hummingbirds are God's smallest miracle--I never tire of watching them.

    Spring came 2-3 weeks early this year, no snow to speak of and a very mild winter. The downside is everyone has been miserable with allergies since February. Peace...


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