23 August 2012

50/100: Half-Way Hump

Today marks the half-way mark for 100 Days of Summer. When I joined this celebration of summer, my intent was to post an observation a day. My focus would be on describing place, focusing on use of the sensory details to invoke the felt reality of a moment in each day. Easy, I thought.

No, not easy. Time snuck up on me most days, as did "obstacles" such as trips without internet access, work that felt relentless, and the happy visit of the muse that caused (happily again) a rush of writing on my novel. In addition to being a mother, a wife, a professor, I am a student, and the summer coourse entailed reading a book a week, along with attendant homework. Finally, I did not want to present some half-assed piece--the words, the images, the thoughts and stories of my fellow challengers (yes, I have read these on facebook, and marveled) are too beautamous for me to sully.

But... even though I have not posted every day, I have written every day, and these observations have found their way into my other works. I am working on a larger piece that backfills using these fragments from the past 18 days and will, in my own time, present it for public consumption.

100 Days of Summer has yielded a tapestry of beauty and feeling. I have enjoyed the journeys.

My favorite post to date? 19-25/100: A Week of Summer Sounds. A feast for the ear.



  1. And enjoying the journey is always the most important thing.
    I haven't caught many of your posts, because I am a bad blogger, but the ones I have, I have truly enjoyed. So glad to hear you're working on your novel. YAY!!!!

    1. Yes, the journey is what counts. And when you get to the end, IF you've focused on the process, the destination surprises in most unpreditable ways. Peace...

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Marcus--one of my favorite words. Peace...


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